
Why Do You Smoke?


Muhammad Ibraaheem Al-Hamad

Sender Name

Nouran Radwan

Note About the book  

If you ask any smoker why he smokes, you would receive many different answers. Some people smoke when they need relief from depression; others smoke to ease the stress of estrangement from their families. Some people smoke with friends to have fun, while others smoke to rid themselves of worry and anger. There are those that smoke to imitate those whom they admire, or perhaps they smoke because they have been doing it from a young age and cannot stop. You will even find those who say, “I smoke because it is useful, and I do not believe it is prohibited.”

These are generally the excuses smokers give, and based on this, allow me, my dear beloved smoking brothers, to discuss this issue with you for a short while, and perhaps we will come to a satisfying conclusion.