Abdul Rahman Assemet

Who is this person?
What did he accomplish so that we take such an effort to write a whole article about him here in our site?
May be to most of the readers, he is an obscure and unknown person, but in the Arab world, he is a VIP and a most honored person.
So let us together try to discover in this article all what we can about his personality and his special career
A career, which we rarely get a chance to mention and acknowledge here in the Arabic World.
His name is Abdul Rahman Homod Assemet
He was born in Kuwait at 1947.
Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, Baghdad University.
Diploma of diseases warm areas, Liverpool University in 1974.
Doctorate of diseases and digestive system, Makjl University, Canada.
Specialist in As-Sabah Hospital 1980-1983.
Literary work
"Here Africa"
"Tear on Africa"
"A message to my son"
"Arabs and Muslims in Madagascar"

Charitable work
1. He is a secretary-general of African Muslims Association, which had been changed to Immediate Aid (Alawn Almubasher) in 1999.
2. He shared in the establishment and lead in Montreal 1974 – 1976:
· In USA and Canada 1976.
· In Kuwait 1980 – 1987.
3. He participated in the founding and chairing of the Association of Muslims in the United States and Canada in 1976.
4. He also participated in the founding of the branches of the:
· Muslim Student Association at Montreal 1974 – 1976
· Malawi Muslims committee in Kuwait in 1980
· The Kuwaiti participator committee for aid in 1987.
5. He is a founding member of the Islamic Charitable Organization and a founding member of the World Islamic Council for invocation and aid
6. He is also a member of the charitable Kuwaiti rescue organization and a member of the Kuwaiti Red Crescent organization.
7. He is the chief editor of Al Kawthar journal, which is specialized in the African situation and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Organization of the Islamic invocation in Sudan.
8. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Science and Technology in Yemen.
9. Chairman of the Faculty of Education in Zanzibar.
10. Chairman of the Faculty of Sharia and Islamic studies in Kenya.
General schedule of the charitable Immediate Aid Organization:
1. To delete the tears of orphans.
2. for the educational, social, and salutary tendency of a village.
3. for the maintenance or drilling of wells for drinking water.
4. for the construction or maintenance of schools.
5. for the care of thousands of homeless people.
Participated in the founding of:
1. The Presidency Muslim Doctors Association in USA and Canada, 1976.
2. Branches of Muslim Students Association in Montreal, 1974-1976.
3. Commission of Muslims from Malawi in Kuwait 1980.
4. Kuwaiti Joint Committee for aid.
He is an established member at:
1. Islamic Charitable Organization.
2. World Islamic Council for advocacy and aid.
A member at
1. Kuwaiti Red Crescent Society.
2. Member of the Board of Trustees of:
· The Islamic Da'wa Organization in Sudan.
· University of Science and Technology in Yemen.
Chairperson of the Board of Directors in
1. Faculty of education in Sandbar.
2. Faculty of Sharia and Islamic studies In Kenya.
He is also Editor-in-Chief Al Kawthar specializing in the African connection.
When he was in the secondary school, he collected money with his friends to buy a car and transport the labors from their work to their houses and vice versa.
Prizes and Medals
The highest award he received is King Faisal's International Prize (750.000 S.R.) which was too donated to him for being the nucleus of The Moratorium education in Africa.
From this Moratorium, many African students taught in different universities. He believed that Islam proceeded other theories, cultures and civilizations in Volunteer, social and humanitarian work.
His passion story for working in Africa recurres to the time when he returned to Kuwait after completing his postgraduate studies, where he was filled with enormous charitable energy that he wanted to detonate. Therefore, he went to the Ministry of patrimony and presented to the officials there his desire to volunteer to participate in charity.
It was God's willing, that he travelled to Africa, one of the Kuwaitis in Malawi, where he saw millions of people maimed by hunger, poverty, ignorance, disease and underdevelopment. That was the time when he fell in love of this spot with his heart and conscience, for it dominated his thinking.
When he was in Africa, there were many trials to assassinate him, by armed militias, because of his overwhelming presence among the poor and the needy. He has also been besieged by a Cobra snake in Mozambique, Kenya and Malawi more than once, but he survived by God’s willing.
The outcome of the projects carried out in Africa – according to Doctor Summait - until late 2002 are
· Building of 1200 mosque
· The monthly payment of salaries of 3288 teachers and invocators
· Tendency of 9500 orphans
· Digging of 2750 artesian wells and hundreds of shallow wells in drought areas inhabited by Muslims
· Building of 124 hospitals and clinics
· Distribution of 160 tons of food, medicine and clothing
· Distribution of more than 51 million copies of Quran
· Printing and distribution of 605 million Islamic handbook in different African languages
· The construction and operation of 102 integrated Islamic Center
· Holding of 1450 sessions for teachers and imams
· The payment of school fees for 95 thousand poor Muslim students
· The implementation and operation of several agricultural projects on an area of 10 million square meters
· Construction and operation of 200 training centre for women
· The implementation of a number of water dams in drought areas
· Establishing a number of free of charge camps and medical eyes camps for the needy to relieve the few health resources in the framework of the programe of combating blindness
· Providing more than 200 scholarships for postgraduate studies in Western States (specialties of medicine, engineering, technology).
His Ambitions
1. Preparation of studies for the establishment of a College to train teachers in Malawi
2. Establishing of radio stations
By Rania ElSaadawy