


In the holy Quran ALLAH swears by the locations of stars and ALLAH says this is a great oath if you just knew ,ALLAH swears by the location of the stars how great and divine the holy Quran is. The holy Quran is the last book ALLAH sent to earth which has ALLAH’s words and guidance to humanity until the judgment day.


“So I swear by Mawaqi (setting or the locations, etc.) of the stars (they traverse). And verily, that is indeed a great oath, if you but know. That (this) is indeed an honorable recital (the Noble Quran). In a Book well-guarded (with Allah in the heaven i.e. the Guarded Tablet of Divine Decrees). Which (that Book with Allah) none can touch but the purified, A Revelation (this Quran) from the Lord of the Worlds.”

Surah: Al Waq’iah verse: 75-80


Clarification: when ALLAH wants to prove how important something is to us as humans he swears by his great creations that we can observe so we can understand the greatness of what he is speaking about.



So why did ALLAH choose to swear by the locations of stars not the stars themselves to prove how divine the holy Quran is??

-The meaning of stars locations: stars locations are the places that stars have passed, the locations are related to the speed of the stars, the distances between the masses of the universe and the gravitational forces that hold the galaxy together.

-The distances between stars are tremendously vast due to the enormous sizes of the stars.

-The movement of stars varies and is extremely fast depending on the gravitational force.


What was believed about the stars we see in the sky:

-The old nations such as the Greeks believed that either the sun or the earth was the center of the universe and that they were stationary, they didn’t imagine that anything else existed around them.

-Right up to the 18th century scientists in the west believed that stars were stationary objects in the sky and that the sky moved as a block around the earth and that the universe had a stationary center.


What holy Quran had revealed more than 1400 years ago:  

-Modern science has allowed us to understand that there are more than 70 billion trillion stars in the universe but what we humans think that we actually see as stars is wrong we only ever see light left behind from stars that have passed by. A lot of the times what we see is light from stars that have died out years ago which don’t exist any longer.

-even the nearest star to earth it’s light does not reach us before 8 minutes have passed meaning that it has traveled at least 10 million kilometers before we see it’s light. So what we see is really an illusion we do never see actual stars but we see their locations where they have passed.

-The reasons behind this in a simple way are the huge distances between stars and earth so by the time the light of a star has reached us the star has already changed it’s location as stars travel at fast speeds, also light does not travel in straight lines it travels in waves but the human eye sees in straight lines so what we see as humans is just an illusion.

-ALLAH revealed this overwhelming fact in the holy Quran by referring to the greatness of the locations of stars knowing that one day humans would discover this fact and realize that ALLAH had told them this fact in the holy Quran more than 1400 years ago so it would be clear to everyone that the holy Quran is ALLAH’s words and Islam is his religion.


For more information on about stars and their description read this link:

Views: 641


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