The Prodigy of Creation









Creation comes in three forms:

  1. The creation of the universe
  2. Life
  3. Human beings

 These three types of creations are considered part of the unseen issues which are incomprehensible by the human understanding.

  Allah (SWT) says in the Qur'an, “I (Allah) made them (Iblîs and his offspring) not to witness (nor took their help in) the creation of the heavens and the earth and not (even) their own creation, nor was I (Allah) to take the misleaders as helpers. (Surat Al-Kahf (The Cave):51). 

At the same time, while the previous ayah confirms the human absence during the creational processes, Allah (SWT) in the Glorious Qur’an invites us to think about how these creations took place,

 “Say: "Travel in the land and see how (Allah) originated the creation, and then Allah will bring forth the creation of the Hereafter (i.e. resurrection after death). Verily, Allah is Able to do all things." (Surat Al-'Ankabût (The Spider):20).

By combining these two blessed ayahs of the Qur'an, it is evident that Allah (SWT), by His mercy, left signs for us in the rocks of the earth and in the heavens despite the fact that these processes of creation happened at a time when no one existed to witness them.

Existentialists tried to explain the beginning of creation as being the result of chemical and organic development and advancements.

 If the word “development” refers to the gradual build-up and the improvement of the earth with all what is on it, then this is a truth which can be supported by evidence and logic.

 However, the enemies of religion use this fact to make three false claims, and before discussing the three forms of creation in details, we need to take a look these false claims:

1.   The Allegation of the Randomness of Initial Creation:

Accurate scientific observations condemn and reject such an allegation, which assumes the randomness of amino acid production (these are the building blocks of proteins, which are, in turn, the building blocks of living cells).  This means randomness in producing 200 thousand protein segments; which are then accidentally gathered to form the first living cell.

 This single living cell results in the production of millions of different living things, each of which has billions of individuals of each.  All of this is assumed to have taken place through a haphazard processes.  However, it is a scientifically well-known fact that each amino acid and protein segment are so complex that it is impossible for them to come together by chance.

2.   The Allegation of Evolution:






The second allegation was also rejected by accurate scientific observations.  Each type of the living beings contains a specific number of chromosomes.  These chromosomes control the organism's phenotype and characteristic activity, including that of reproduction.  They also carry its specific genetic code, a code so complex and specific that it is impossible for it to be a product of pure chance.

In addition, the method by which the earth became inhabitable for the different species occurred in a very specific manner.  Each living being came at a specific time and carried out a specific role in shaping and preparing the earth for the next set of living beings.

  It is, therefore, impossible for all of this to occur by chance.  There is also evidence from fossils which negate the arbitrariness of the progression of living things on earth.


3.   The Allegation of the Random Appearance of Human Beings in This Long Chain of Creation:

Once more, this is a deliberate escape from the inevitable truth that Allah (SWT) is the Creator, although it is also rejected by accurate scientific observations. 

The distinct genetic code of humans, the specific number of chromosomes, the specific morphological features, mental capacity, and skeletal features, which are different from other species, are enough evidence to refute any assumption.

 It is impossible for such distinct features to have evolved in such a short period of time.  In addition, human intellectual and linguistic abilities, as well feelings, reactions, expressions, socialization, learning new skills and teaching them, clearly distinguish human beings from any other species.

The ability of the hereditary genetic code to divide and replicate itself can be traced back to one single father: Adam (AS).  Add to this the precision in which the living cell is built with its processes and the control of its metabolic activity despite its small size (less than a fraction of ten millionth of a cubic millimetre).

 This cell also has a membrane that resembles a high fence, which contains gates controlled by extreme precision.  It also has defensive, offensive and reserve forces which are armed with electromagnetic equipment. 

Moreover, these same cells contain processes, which control nutritional supply, as well as an ability to produce more than 200,000 types of proteins with controlled internal and external relations to deal with neighbouring cells. 

There are many other features of this small cell which require extensive details, but the message is that chance cannot possibly be the only determinant of its creation.

 They also result in the movement of muscles and bones, in the circulation of blood, in nerve transmissions and in the control of different metabolic reactions controlled by enzymes and hormones (which are essentially proteins).  With the exception of nerve cells, all other living cells are constantly being renewed as the human body loses and replaces approximately 125 million cells every second.


 All praise is due to Allah (SWT), who revealed the Qur’an upon the Seal of His Prophets and Messengers so that it may be a testimony for those who are deceived by science these days.  It is a testimony against those who deny the Divinity of the Qur’an and the Prophethood of Prophet Muhammad (SAWS).  Allah (SWT) says,


 "…And Allah has full power and control over His Affairs, but most of men know not." (Surat Yusuf (Prophet Joseph):21).


The Quran confutes these Allegations and shows us the prodigy of creation of God

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