2-Episode Two

This article is the documentation of a conference given by Professor Marshall Johnson the head of the anatomy department of Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia –United States, and Representatives of the world wide organization of scientific miracles in the Quran such as Sheikh Abd El Magid.
One of the most complicated and difficult issues in the history of embryology is the discovery of the stages the fetus goes through until creation is complete especially in the early weeks of pregnancy.
The holy Quran is considered the first reference in history to this great phenomenon; The Quran describes the most important stages of the fetus development about 1400 years ago as we will see in this episode and the next ones.
In this episode we will start with the first stage “Al Nutfah”.
Nutfah (mixed male and female discharge of semen).

The meaning of the word “Nutfah” in the Arabic language:

-The meaning of the word was known to Arabians even before the existence of the holy Quran.
-It means a small amount of liquid (water) as small as a drop; we will see how accurate the use of this word is.

Stages of the “Nutfah”:

The “Nutfah” goes through 4 stages until actual creation begins as stated below:

The first stage:

-The semen of the man flows from his body as does the fluid that carries the egg flow from the woman’s body.

Figure 1: Sperm blown up 450 times each one has an oval head, a small body and a tail which moves to help reach the fertilization location.

-The Quran stated a very important feature of the semen which is its self flowing feature.

“So let man see from what he is created! He is created from a water gushing forth”
Quran: Surah Tareq verse 5, 6

-Describing “Nutfah” as a small amount of liquid is very accurate due to the fact that the fluid from both male and female carries many things. This in turn describes liquid which is a fluid made up of many things.

Modern science:
-Modern science has proved that the semen must have a self flowing characteristic to allow fertilization to occur.
-The fluid of both male and female contain many things such as:
Prostaglandin: This causes contractions in the womb which helps the sperm reach the fertilization location.
The fluid of the female carries enzymes produced by the lining of the womb which expose the protecting membrane around the egg so it can be fertilized.

The second stage:
This stage is when the egg is successfully fertilized by the sperm.

Figure 2: An egg surrounded by sperm and when one succeeds in fertilization this stage begins.

Stated by the prophet Mohamed:
-A very important fact about this stage is stated by the prophet in a hadith (a hadith is something that has been said by the prophet and documented) said by him.
-This fact is: that not all the sperm reaches the egg and causes fertilization.
The prophet Mohamed (May peace be upon him) said:
“Not from all the semen is the creation of the child”.

Modern science:
It has been stated that after the egg has been successfully fertilized a rapid change to its membrane takes place which prevents any more sperm from penetrating the egg's wall.

Figure 4

Figure 3

Figure 3, 4: These are two figures taken by microscope the one on the right shows the instant that the sperm touches the surface of the egg, the second figure shows the entrance of the sperm and the change of the membrane to prevent more sperm from entering.

The third stage:
After fertilization takes place the mixed male and female discharge of semen takes the shape of a small drop.
After that the small drop is divided inside it into many parts.

The holy Quran describes this with the word “Amshag” which is a drop mixed of female and male semen.
Amshag means that the “Nutfah” is divided into many parts.

“Verily, We have created man from Nutfah drops of mixed semen (discharge of man and woman), in order to try him, so we made him hearer, seer.”
Quran: Surah Al-Insan verse 2

Modern science:
The drop of mixed semen is an entity created from many mixes which carry the characteristics of the ancestors and the descendants of every fetus.
-It’s divided into smaller parts called blastomeres.
- After 4 days morula is formed.
-After 5 days it forms into blastocyst.
So it is divided into cells but its appearance and nature is still a drop of mixed semen because it has a thick membrane surrounding it reserving its appearance.

The results of this stage:
1-The creation: The true beginning of human existence, the sperm carries 23 chromosomes as does the female’s fluid and together they make a new cell with 46 chromosomes which is the beginning of human creation.

2-Genetic Programming: After a few hours a new process begins which is the definition of the characteristics that will show in the fetus in the future.

The Quran described the previous consecutive operations: the creation and the characterizing.

“Be cursed (the disbelieving) man! How ungrateful he is! From what thing did He create him? From Nutfah (male and female semen drops) He created him and then molded him in due proportion.”
Quran: Surah Abasa verse 17-19

3-Determination of the sex:
If the sperm that succeeds in fertilization carries chromosome Y then the fetus is male and if it carries chromosome X then it will be female.

The fourth and final stage:
The “Nutfah” stays moving until it sticks to the womb.
In the final stage it is planted inside the womb like a seed inside soil and it is 6 days old at this stage.

The Quran describes this stage:
“Thereafter we made him (the offspring of Adam) as a Nutfah (mixed drops of the male and female sexual discharge) (and lodged it) in a safe lodging (womb of the woman)”
Quran: Sura Al Mu’minun verse 13

For all the previous discoveries it was essential to use huge microscopes because “Nutfah” is so small and we can see how the Quran accurately described these stages 100’s of years before any microscope was invented

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