Praying in Islam

Praying to god (Allah) is an extremely important part of any Muslim’s life, it is the corner stone of any Muslim’s religion.

What is praying??

 -Praying is the main connection between any human being and Allah; it allows us to communicate with Allah and feel close to him and seek him at any time and place.

 -While praying the Muslim reads Allah’s words from the Holy Quran so it is as if Allah is speaking to him, also the Muslim asks Allah for what he wants in this life and the next so he speaks to Allah freely with no boundaries. 

-When a Muslim is in prayer he is very close to Allah and Allah looks down on whoever is praying and his angels surround them.

 Why is it so special??

 -Imagine a king saying to his slave if you want to speak to me and be close to me and if you want me to be happy with you and always close to you, you can perform these simple actions and I will always be there for you, I’m sure if you heard that a king did that with all his slaves you wouldn’t believe it because the king doesn’t need his slaves on the opposite his slaves need him.

 -Now imagine the creator of this vast universe giving us weak humans who own nothing not even the breath they take a way to speak to him and that he promised if we did this he would always listen to us and guide us so we have an open connection with Allah at all times which provides us with guidance and it allows us to always be close to Allah and to feel an extreme inner peace at all times.

 -In Islam there are prayers for anything a Muslim may face for example, if a Muslim has to make a decision and he doesn’t know what the best decision is all he has to do is to perform a simple prayer and Allah promises that who seeks guidance from him will always be guided to the right path and protected, so Allah gives Muslims a connection to reach him at any time because Allah looks down on us and hears us always and also in any place as Allah says the whole earth belongs to him so Muslims can pray anywhere

 What does a Muslim benefit from praying, how does it affect his life??

-There are 5 set prayers that a Muslim must perform in a day and they are spread out through the day so there does not pass a part of the day when a Muslim is far from Allah.

-Muslims find comfort in prayers, they leave anything they may be doing at the time and forget all about the problems they are facing in their life and stand between Allah’s hands.

-When they pray they remember why they are here in this world so they have a sense of purpose which gives them the strength to carry on and face anything they may encounter.

 -Many times in life we face problems and when we look around us we cant find anyone to help or even to talk to, everyone is too busy or they don’t care that much or we may find that person to speak to but still inside we feel our pain because that person can’t be with us at all times and at the end of the day they can’t solve the problems we’re facing, Muslims find in their prayers the comfort they are looking for because they can go to Allah any time day or night wherever they may be and they know that Allah will always listen to them and answer them and even if their problems do not end straight away as there may be a bigger purpose which we do not always understand Muslims find relief and hope that is always there and keeps them strong and to be able to be happy no matter what they have to face.

 - Also in Islam it is preferred for Muslims to pray together as a unit, this brings Muslims together they stand next to each other in rows everyone is an equal no one is better than anyone else. A president can stand next to a garbage collector everyone is equal in humanity and in front of Allah so Muslims feel a strong bond that keeps the society together and spreads love between them.

General conclusion:

Allah loves us so much and no one else loves us as much as he does and he loves us to speak to him and go to him that’s why he made prayers for us, we are never alone and we are always heard and seen and he will always guide us, all we have to do is to open our hearts and minds.

Views: 670


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