The Last Divine Message


"This Qur'an describes the universe from the highest point of the existence ...... who says this word of Qur'an sees the whole universe and everything is exposed in front of him."

Professor Yushio Kozan (The director of Tokyo Observatory),

From the book "It Is the Truth".


In previous articles we talked about God's existence and that God sent miracles, revelations, prophets and messengers with many proofs of his existence, and there was a promise to talk about (a physical) existed proof of God's existence which is "the Qur'an". This article demonstrates the beginning of the Qur'an revelation, Prophet Muhammad and what is the Qur'an purpose and message?


1.  The Qur'an's Revelation


Like the Torah and the Bible, Muslims believe that the Qur'an is a revelation from God to the Prophet Muhammad, the last Messenger, by the Angel Gabriel on numerous occasions from year 610 CE (Common Era, AD) and until Prophet Muhammad's death in 632 CE, In order to return people to the true monotheistic religion ofall previous Prophets and Messengers.


Muslims also believe that the Qur'an available today is the same as that revealed to Prophet Muhammad and by him to his followers, who memorized his words. Scholars accept that the version of the Qur'an used today was first compiled in writing by the third Caliph, Uthman ibn Affan, sometime between 650 and 656. He sent copies ofhis version to the various provinces of the new Muslim's empire, and directed that all variant copies be destroyed.


"And who believe in which is revealed to Muhammad (Qur'an) and in that which was revealed before thee (the Torah and the Gospel, etc.) and they believe with certainty in the Hereafter. (Resurrection, recompense of their good and bad deeds, Paradise and Hell, etc.). They are on true guidance, from their God, and it is these who will prosper"

[Qur'an, Sura 2, Verse 4]

The word "Qur'an "means "that which is recited." As such, it is not a book, nor it is something that reaches us only in written form. Keep in mind; the Qur'an is only considered "Qur'an" while it is in the recitation form, not in the written or the book form. The word for what is written and held in the hand to be read by the eye is called "mushaf" (meaning script or that which is written down).


2. Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad


If one assumes that the Qur'an is the product of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), then it is expected to reflect some of what was going on in the mind of the man who "composed" it. In fact, certain encyclopedias and various books claim that the Qur'an was the product of hallucinations that Prophet Muhammad underwent. If these claims are true – if it is, indeed, originated from some psychological problems in Prophet Muhammad's mind - then evidence of this would be apparent in the Qur'an. Is there such evidence? In order to determine whether or not there is, one must first identify what things would have been going on in his mind at that time and search for these thoughts in the Qur'an.


The Qur'an does not mention The life of Prophet Muhammad, not the death of his children, nor the death of his beloved companion and wife, nor his fear of the initial revelations, which he so beautifully shared with his wife – although these topics must have hurt him, bothered him, and caused him pain and grief during periods of his psychological reflections, then these subjects, as well as others, would be prevalent or at least mentioned throughout.


Prophet Muhammad rejected to be the writer of Qur'an for a number of reasons:


1. Muhammad (peace be upon him) was illiterate. He grew up among a people who were generally illiterate. No matter how insightful a person might be .There is no way that he could discuss the happenings of nations lost to antiquity, issues of belief and Divine Law, the rewards and punishments of Heaven and Hell, and future events, all in such great details without any contradiction and with a most perfect style and literary form. None of the historical references mention that the Prophet ever sat with monks and rabbis to learn from them.

2. The Qur'an, in some places, rebuked Prophet Muhammad where he acted upon his own judgment in something and did not decide on what is best. No rational person would come with declarations of his own errors and circulate them among the people "And if he had forged a false statement concerning Us, We surely would have seized him by his right hand and would certainly have ripped out his artery of life. And none of you could have with held us from (punishing) him.(Qur'an,69:44-47)

3. Complete harmony exists between what the Qur'an says regarding the physical world and what has been discovered by modern science. This has been a source of amazement for a number of contemporary western researchers. Though the Qur'an mentions a number of very specific scientific issues from different fields which does not contradict any scientific facts.

4. The Arabs never attempted to contradict the Qur'an or take credit for any part of it, in spite of their violent rejection of it. Though the Qur'an challenged their most eloquent speakers to bring a chapter like it, none of them ever attempted it. And they were masters of eloquence in poetry, prose, and persuasive speaking.


3. Qur'an Message


§  The Qur'an is a mean to convey a message, a very special message from the Creator to all humanity. The Qur’an is an owner’s manual for the human being’; whoever wonders about the purpose of life and their own existence will find it to be a guide par excellence. Those who have read handiwork; stories of the Prophets, Satan, angels and the Day of Judgment; moral and ethical guidelines; and spiritual practices like prayer and fasting. Yet the Qur’an is not just a re-hashing of old stories; its perspective is unique and fresh, and its worldview eminently suited to people of today.

§  The fundamental message from our Creator in the Qur'an is the same as that revealed in the previous scriptures; to worship not but God, not to associate partners in worship with Him and to enjoin good and forbid(avoid) evil. God Alone is the' control centre’ behind it all; anything else would lead to chaos and confusion. He is All-Compassionate and Merciful, Almighty and Just, and the only One we need turn to for guidance and help. Anything that we allow to come between ourselves and our Creator is an idol. Wealth, fame, physical attraction and all the pleasures of this world will someday fade, and we will not be able to take them with us when we die. Only our faith and good deeds will remain, and be a beacon for us on the Day of Judgment.


You may ask me why the Qur'an and not any other holy book that you are talking about. This question will be answered in the next article. There will be an illustration on how the Qur'an is unique and different from other Holy Books. Others questions will be answered like what are signs found in the Qur'an? And what are the Qur'an's Ethics?


By: Nouran Radwan



The Amazing Qur'an by Dr. Gary Miller,

The Qur'an and Modern Science compatibleor incompatible? By Dr. Zakir Naik,


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