The Death of the Sun and the Stars
Everything in our life has a beginning and an end, and everything is born and will die, but do you believe that the sun and the stars, like People,
will die one day?

People believed that the light of the sun and the stars will last forever as it wasn't discovered long years ago that their light will come to an end one day. Actually the sun and stars are like people born, develop and then die.
Let us know more, our nearest star, the sun, has been emitting its rays for 5 billion years as a result of the chemical actions taking place on its surface but in a specific time the sun will lose its supply of hydrogen fuel and this will be within 4 billion years as scientists determined... Also when the sun ages, it'll be hotter and the earth temperatures will increase and all oceans will evaporate and as a result the life on earth will be killed.

When the sun gets hotter it will be a red giant star swallowing the nearest planets,its graviational pull will lessen and allows earth to escape. At the end, it will shrink into a "white dwarf star", and from this point the sun will be dimmer and dimmer until it snuffed out.
What's more dramatic and frightening more than the death of the sun is the death of the stars that are 20 times bigger than the sun. It's a fact that the stars also will be exhausted one day and this depends on its size, the bigger it is, the quicker it is exhausted, as the bigger becomes hot quickly and as a result exhausts its fuel supply, stars don't stop collapsing even when they become neutron stars ( a type of remnant that result from the gravitational collapse of a massive star). There is no force in the universe strong enough to stop them. When they implode, they bend the fabric of the space forming the mysterious phenomenon which called a black hole. The black holes are the burnt-out remnants of giant stars. As the debris become closer to the mouth of the black hole, it speeds up and they smash together. They form a flat rotating disc that spirals into the hole. The collisions create heat and give off X-ray radiation that we can detect on Earth.
But, actually all the facts we talked about here, and were discovered by scientists in recent years, were mentioned by Allah the Almighty, in the Qur'an 14 century ago. Let us have a look:
The Quran proves that the death of the sun is not a human made, but it is the word of Allah the Almighty, and that the light of the sun will be worn out one day. Allah said about this:
"And the sun runs to a fixed resting place. That is the decree of the Almighty, the All-Knowing."[Surah 36, Verse 38]
This verse shows that the sun's life span will end and only Allah knows when this will happen. Also in [Surah: 35, Verse: 13] Allah mentioned that the sun will fade away in a specific unknown time for everyone but Him: "He makes night merge into day and day merge into night, and He has made the Sun and Moon subservient, each one running until a specified time. That is Allah, your Lord. The Kingdom is His. Those you call on besides Him have no power over even the smallest speck."
Finally, Allah the Almighty mentioned the phenomenon of the black holes in the Quran as He said:
"When the Sun is compacted in blackness" [Surah: 81, verse 1]
There are a lot and a lot to say about these scientific discoveries, but what is mentioned above shows that the Holy Quran mentioned 14 century ago what the scientists discovered in the modern age. This proves that Quran is not only a religious book for Muslims but it's a life book for all human beings as well.
By: Aya Abo Almagd