Zakkah (almsgiving)

Being good to others is the fruit and therefore the proof of the tree of faith. He is not truthful who harms men and yet claims to believe in and love God. Acquisition of wealth counts nothing in the sight of God. It does not give man any merit whether here or in the hereafter.

"Take alms from their wealth in order to purify them and sanctify them with it." (Surah at-Tauba, Verse 103)


What is Zakkah?

Zakkah is Arabic work which literarily means growth, increase or purification. And technically means obligatory alms on certain kinds of property when it reaches a specified minimum quantity and distributed to the poor.  It is one of the five pillars of Islam.  Islam ranked it in importance immediately next to the prescribed devotional pray.


Zakkah is one of the major economic and social welfare institutions. It is introduced by Islam to alleviate the suffering of the poor and generate peaceful co-existence between people in the Society. From Abdur Rahman Abdullah bn Umar al-Khattab who said, l heard the Prophet (PBUH) say: “Islam is built  upon five things: Testifying that there is no other God Except Allah and Muhammad is his messenger, praying  regularly, giving Zakkah, pilgrimage to Mecca and fasting during Ramadan”.

What is Nisab (certain quantity) and its current value?

Nisab is the exemption limit for the payment of Zakkah. In other words, it is the amount which savings or capital or product must exceed in order for the Muslim owner to be obliged to give Zakkah.  Nisab amount calculated based on 3 oz of pure Gold which is $2,580.00 as of 8/24/2009.

Types of Zakkah

The Property that is liable for Zakkah is of three kinds thus:

·         Zakkah of gold, silver or currency used for transaction

·         Zakkah of livestock or grazing animal such as Cow, Camel, etc.

·         Zakkah of farm produce, like grain, fruit and what is obtained from the sea or earth such as treasure, minerals, oil, Phosphate etc.

Conditions for Payment of Zakkah

Zakkah should be paid on any amount of money that is up to Nisaab, that is that amount of money remaining after meeting the expenses for such necessities as food, cloths, house rent etc. A complete year of Islamic calendar should pass. It must be paid by Muslim who is an adult, sane and free.

The Recipients of Zakkah

In the Qur'an, Allah Almighty has mentioned 8 categories of people who can receive Zakah. Allah Almighty says: "Alms are for the poor and the needy, and those employed to administer the (funds); for those whose hearts have been (recently) reconciled (to the truth); for those in bondage and in debt; in the cause of Allah; and for the wayfarer: (thus is it) ordained by Allah, and Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom." (Surah at-Tauba, Verse 60)


Paying or Not Paying Zakkah

The punishment for one who refuses to pay his/her Zakkah from what Allah has bestowed his/her with an elucidated in the Qur’an 9:34-35 thus: “O you who believe, Surely, there are many among the rabbis and monks who devour the wealth of people by false means and those who hoard Gold and Silver and spend it not in the way of Allah, announce to them a painful punishment.  On the day, when it shall be heated in the fire of hell and their foreheads shall be branded therewith as well as their flanks and their back it shall be said to them. This is what (treasure) you have hoarded for yourself so (row) taste what you have hoarded”.


Allah, the most high said: "Those who spend their wealth by Night and Day, in secret and in public, shall have their (Surah Al Baqarah, Verse 274)


"The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is as the likeness of a grain, it grows seven spikes, and each spike is a hundred grains. Allah gives manifold increase to whom he pleases." (Surah Al Baqarah, Verse 261]


In Order to calculate Zakkah follow this link: Zakkah Calculator.


By Nouran Radwan


Views: 636


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