The Pilgrimage to Makkah







 What is pilgrimage (Hajj) ?



Most of us have made a specific journey through his life that he could not forget by the years. this journey may be to a certain place or country, but if you ask a Muslim about the journey he has never forgotten or he wish to do, most will answer "undoubtedly, the journey to Hajj"


Hajj is the Arabic word for "Pilgrimage", it is one of the five Pillars of Islam, and it is nearly one of the largest gatherings all over the world. You will not see these numbers of people anywhere but "Hajj", they are people come from different countries, wearing nearly the same clothes, calling for only on God (Allah), making the same rituals, seeking for one thing which is "PARADISE".


Hajj (pilgrimage) is taken place in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, in certain time every year according to the Islamic calendar and in the twelfth month of Pilgrimage (Dhu al- Al hija), Hajj is an obligation once in a lifetime for those who are physically and financially able to perform it. Also It provides an opportunity for Muslims to exchange views, get acquainted and feel unified.

The meaning of the pilgrimage (HAJJ)

Actually the meanings of Hajj are really great, people come from everywhere, no differences between them, they are all the same, the poor and rich, the white and black all are seeking God's forgiveness. Add to this, those who perform Hajj come from different countries and places but they feel that they are one family despite the different cultures, languages etc..,

Also the clothes of Pilgrims provide great meaning, the male pilgrim wear two garments made from white cloth without stitching or pockets and this reminds us with death, when a Muslim die s/he is wrapped in something exactly like this so every Muslim should prepare himself with good deeds to the day of Judgment (after death).

The rites of Hajj

Hajj is like a short intensive course in which the basic teachings of Islam are presented to a world-wide gathering of Muslims. Every Muslim-male and female-as mentioned before- is expected to go on hajj at least once in his or her life unless he or she is too ill or cannot afford it. Over 2.5 million people fulfill hajj every year. The instructions in this course, however, are not given through lectures but through symbols and rituals. Muslims perform Hajj as Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) performed and the following are summarized steps to the rituals of Hajj as Prophet Muhammad did:


1-Makiing the intention or "Niia"and entering the state of Ihram:

The pilgrim takes a bath and wears the Ihram clothes which is for women, it is the normal clothes she wears while praying and for men, two garments made from white cloth without stitching, pockets, buttons, zippers etc…It is forbidden for the pilgrim to cut the hair, trim the finger nails, have intimate marital relations, make any contracting for marriage or kill any kinds of creatures.

2-"Tawaf" or going around the Ka'bah seven times:

This rite of Hajj reminds  the pilgrims and everyone with the story of prophet Abraham and his son Ismail(Ishmael in English) when they built the Ka'bah, the cube-shaped building in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, and is the most sacred site in Islam. Ka’bah is the first house ever that was built for the worship of One and Only God, Allah. It is also called “Bait-Ullah” (House of Allah), “Bait-ul-Ateeq” (the Oldest House), and Baitul Ma’amoor (Inhabited House).

2- Going seven times between the hillocks of Safa and Marwa (Sa'y)

Thousands of years ago this rite was first performed by Hagar, the wife of Prophet Abraham, when she was searching for water to her baby Ismail.  

3-Pilgrims' standing together on the Plain of Arafat and asking God for what they want:

This is the most important ritual in Hajj, Pilgrims ask, supplicate, pray and request for anything and everything from Allah and also for His Mercy and forgiveness this rite is thought to be as a preview of the Day of Judgment.

4-Going back to Makkah (Tawaf Al-Ifadhah)

After ascending from Arafat pilgrims go back to Makkah to circle the Ka'bah again and also go between the hillocks of Safa and Marwa.

5-Rammi al Jamarat (Throwing stones)

In a place called Mina in Makkah, pilgrims go to throw the stones as Prophet Abraham did when he was throwing the devil who tried to convince him not to sacrifice his son according to a dream Abraham had seen.

6- Sacrificing

Sacrificing an animal given to the poor is something also goes back to the substitution of the animal provided by Allah for Abraham to slaughter instead of his son. The time for offering the sacrifice begins after the Eid prayer on Eid al-Adha (Feast day) and ends when the sun sets on the thirteenth of Dhul Hijjah. So there are four days of sacrifice: the day of Eid al-Adha and the three days after it.

This was a summary to the Pillar of Hajj there are much details questions and answers related to Hajj, so in the following link an explanation Hajj in details.



By Fatma Dawod






book: Manask haj and Umrah by Abdel Rahim Abdel Allah


Views: 674


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  • Artrell       axqbWqCxMRDgufpA

    Good point. I hadn't thuohgt about it quite that way. :)

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