Arab Cases
"True peace is not merely the absence of tension: it is the presence of justice"
Martin Luther King
Conflict is actual or perceived opposition of needs, values and interests. A clash of interests, values, actions or directions often sparks a conflict. Conflicts refer to the existence of that clash. The word is applicable from the instant that the clash occurs. Even when we say that there is a potential conflict we are implying that there is already a conflict of direction even though a clash may not yet have occurred.
Palestine is situated on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea-in south west Asia. There has been a conflict between Palestinians and Israelis over this area. Palestine is the right of whom?
The war in Iraq is considered a catastrophe or a blessing to the Middle East and the world?
We are trying through this series of episodes to direct a spot-light on these very controversial conflicts to find out the reply to this question:
What is the right of whom?