The Truth Behind the Lie



With news from all media whispering about killing and peace talks along with the economic situation come some shouting and yelling as the Palestinians have once again fired a rocket on a quite peaceful Israeli settlement , that rocket had been punched through ceilings and had wounded an old lady fatally .


One media yells with Quranic verses in the background while a masked man with guerrilla warfare outfit announcing his responsibility for firing the rocket on the Israeli settlement as a decisive and a fast response to the Israeli bombs on the heavily crowded city of Gaza. These bombs resulted in killing hundreds of men, women and children in every single drop of a bomb.


You would be astonished, confused and puzzled. Who did fire the first shot? Who deserves what?


It is really hard for you to find out the true story out of all that chatter, shouting and live videos of the nosy camera of a TV guided bomb whizzing straight down to a truck that is thought to carry weapons.


Who was in the truck? And did he know that he is about to die? Was he a real terrorist? Who knows? How can I know?


Lots of repeating pictures and videos of ruptured ceilings and scared old Israeli citizens are ruling the easy accessed scene, while pictures and videos of headless children and shot dead infants tear your mind apart and you decide to further investigate the matter.


Casualties fall down from both sides but with an unfair ratio. These facts of all the strikes are clearly visible and reachable through many sources in the internet.


Israel has lost about 4 civilians and 10 soldier, while Gaza strip inhabitants had over 1,200 killed civilian according to the Israeli defense forces themselves, and over 4,000 houses have been destroyed by Israel.


It is obvious and apparent as the sun that these strikes had an excess, violent and extreme racist use of force. Sniper fire was malicious and brutal and never made a difference between an armed man and a child or even an animal.


There is a great difference between the weapons of both sides; the Palestinians can make a rocket that is primitively manufactured with low accuracy, whereas the Israeli people can make a white phosphorous bomb with high precision.


Such Palestinian rocket, in the extreme serious cases, can just spread around fragments that may wound a man, while the precise Israeli bomb can find its way to the crowds of boys and girls hiding in a UN shelter to burn and kill them with horrific pain.


For having a deep look, Just Google and type “Israeli Atrocities”, one of the results' screenshots is pasted below: 


“Israel massacres and destruction"

Bloodlust desire to kill, injure and maim one half million people.



And there is another screenshot pasted from The Independent news paper on January 08 2009 with the following headlines:


Israel massacres and destruction — bloodlust desire to kill, injure and maim one and half million people.

Child killed during US Israel massacres February March 2008.

The year 2008 was one of the bloodiest for Palestine children in recent years.

During the first half of 2008, 75 children were slain by US Israel attacks.

In February 2008 alone, 40 children, toddlers and newborn babies were killed in strikes and ground incursions against Gaza.

US paid US Israel forces attacked Gaza Strip houses, businesses, mosques, hospitals, from the air, land and sea.

More than thirteen hundred people were killed, one third of them children, by the US Israel air and ground onslaught attacks on Gaza, Palestine, more than five thousand possibly more than 6,000 people have been injured, one third of them children, including people seriously wounded, people seriously maimed.
Limbless children, babies blasted into pieces, the wounded dying on hospital floors.
'We are wading in death, blood and amputees,' says Norwegian doctor Mads Gilbert.

Frantic families across Gaza sought any shelter they could find as the US Israel army attacked.

Did the Palestinians ever cause any harm to you before you stole their land, America?

You have been killing them ever since you stole their land!

The US paid US Israel army fires towards populations to cause death and injury.

The US Israel tank, troop and air strike assault on a defenseless people in the Gaza Strip has unleashed worldwide condemnation as moves for a ceasefire was vetoed by the US at the United Nations.

US and Israel attacked indiscriminately Palestine high density population areas of Gaza from the air, sea and ground, often using white phosphorus, the use is a specific war crime.

More than Fifteen million US dollars is given by US taxpayers each day for the military use of Israel, which presently involves the imprisonment of the remaining segregated ' Bantustan — Apartheid ' parcels of land occupied by millions of Palestinian people.

Palestinians were forced from their homes 60 years ago from what is now called Israel into refugee camps in Gaza and the West Bank, Jordan and Lebanon.

While attempts have been made by the Palestinians to create a better life for themselves, these refugee camps have been forced upon them to this day by American Taxpayer funding, and Anglo American, Europe backing and banking for Israel that has propped up the forced 'state' of Israel for more than fifty years.

Illuminati, New World Order elite have been at the forefront in protecting European and American settler people who stole the land and continue to steal the remaining few segments of land from the Palestinians, in essence taking away from the Palestinians piece by piece this land over these many years.

Funding by the US Taxpayer for the enslavement of the Palestinian people continues to increase, estimated now considerably more than the previous 4 billion US dollars per year.



'I watched an Israeli soldier shooting dead my two little girls'


Third daughter had spinal injuries caused by earlier US Israel attack.

Suad shot with 12 bullets, and then Samer.

I carried Suad who was dead, my wife carried Amal and my brother Ibrahim carried Samer.

 Israel massacres and destruction — bloodlust desire to kill, injure and maim one and half million people.

The body of a young girl, small Arej al-Remilat, killed during a US Israel attack on Gaza is carried by a relative during her funeral in Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza Strip January 15, 2009.

US Israel mortar shells struck three U.N. schools where hundreds of Palestine people had sought refuge. 

The shells killed more than 40 people, many of them children whose parents wailed in grief at a hospital filled with dead and wounded.

The US paid US Israel army fires towards populations to cause death and injury.

The US Israel tank, troop and air strike assault on a defenseless people in the Gaza Strip has unleashed worldwide condemnation as moves for a ceasefire was vetoed by the US at the United Nations.

US and Israel attacked indiscriminately Palestine high density population areas of Gaza from the air, sea and ground, often using white phosphorus, the use is a specific war crime.

More than Fifteen million US dollars is given by US taxpayers each day for the military use of Israel, which presently involves the imprisonment of the remaining segregated ' Bantustan — Apartheid ' parcels of land occupied by millions of Palestinian people.

Palestinians were forced from their homes 60 years ago from what is now called Israel into refugee camps in Gaza and the West Bank, Jordan and Lebanon.

While attempts have been made by the Palestinians to create a better life for themselves, these refugee camps have been forced upon them to this day by American Taxpayer funding, and Anglo American, Europe backing and banking for Israel that has propped up the forced 'state' of Israel for more than fifty years.

Illuminati, New World Order elite have been at the forefront in protecting European and American settler people who stole the land and continue to steal the remaining few segments of land from the Palestinians, in essence taking away from the Palestinians piece by piece this land over these many years.

Funding by the US Taxpayer for the enslavement of the Palestinian people continues to increase, estimated now considerably more than the previous 4 billion US dollars per year.

Image: REUTERS/Ismail Zaydah

 All stories come from unfinished business and failed negotiations plus the existence of a side that has the upper hand and is satisfied with the situation as it is because it has the weaponry, the media, and the hand that is clamping the others neck and ready to rip their throat out.

Israel massacres and destruction — bloodlust desire to kill, injure and maim one and half million people.

A Palestine family walks past rubble of an apartment building, destroyed by a US Israel attack on the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah, close to the border with Egypt, Thursday, Jan. 22, 2009.

People are clearing up and trying to rebuild their lives after three-weeks of US paid Israel air strikes on Gaza Strip, where streets were turned into fields of twisted metal, splintered wood and concrete chunks.

The people of Gaza, a population of one and a half million in an area 7 miles by 23 miles, have been killed, injured, maimed, by the US and Israel.

US paid US Israel forces attacked Gaza Strip houses, businesses, mosques, hospitals, from the air, land and sea.

More than thirteen hundred people were killed, one third of them children, by the US Israel air and ground onslaught attacks on Gaza, Palestine, more than five thousand possibly more than 6,000 people have been injured, one third of them children, including people seriously wounded, people seriously maimed.

Limbless children, babies blasted into pieces, the wounded dying on hospital floors.
'We are wading in death, blood and amputees,' says Norwegian doctor Mads Gilbert.

Frantic families across Gaza sought any shelter they could find as the US Israel army attacked.

The US paid US Israel army fires towards populations to cause death and injury.

The US Israel tank, troop and air strike assault on a defenseless people in the Gaza Strip has unleashed worldwide condemnation as moves for a ceasefire was vetoed by the US at the United Nations.

US and Israel attacked indiscriminately Palestine high density population areas of Gaza from the air, sea and ground, often using white phosphorus, the use is a specific war crime.

More than Fifteen million US dollars is given by US taxpayers each day for the military use of Israel, which presently involves the imprisonment of the remaining segregated ' Bantustan — Apartheid ' parcels of land occupied by millions of Palestinian people.

Palestinians were forced from their homes 60 years ago from what is now called Israel into refugee camps in Gaza and the West Bank, Jordan and Lebanon.

While attempts have been made by the Palestinians to create a better life for themselves, these refugee camps have been forced upon them to this day by American Taxpayer funding, and Anglo American, Europe backing and banking for Israel that has propped up the forced 'state' of Israel for more than fifty years.

Illuminati, New World Order elite have been at the forefront in protecting European and American settler people who stole the land and continue to steal the remaining few segments of land from the Palestinians, in essence taking away from the Palestinians piece by piece this land over these many years.

Funding by the US Taxpayer for the enslavement of the Palestinian people continues to increase, estimated now considerably more than the previous 4 billion US dollars per year.

Photo: AP/Lefteris Pitarakis


“An Israeli Soldier aiming his Assault Rifle at a CHILD in front of his parents. Take a look at the child’s face…he is in great panic and horror. This is Terror”


The others, who are the Palestinians, are struggling to take a short breath not even a deep one while trying to stop Israel’s Atrocities towards them. Atrocities are like scraping Palestinian Farmlands, Bulldozing down trees and houses of the Palestinians, and building a new Berlin wall separating poor farmlands owned by Palestinians from the rich ones owned by Israelis which were formerly owned by Palestinians.


The Palestinian response was to call up for negotiations, but as usual it was halted by the Israeli despotism, oppression and arbitrariness.


Whenever the Israeli and the Palestinian authorities reach a base for a preliminary peace talks, we can find in the background some Israeli hands messing around the Palestinian family Hamas and Fatah because it will be an advantage for the Israeli people.


Another way for Israel to spoil any born peace talks (never mentioning blowing up an Israeli mall and killing fellow Israeli citizens as an internal operation) is to bulldoze some olive trees in some Palestinian farmlands, so a demonstration is organized by Palestinians and other foreign activists from all over Europe and the world. Then, Israeli riot police shoots dead an old Palestinian protester or any one in a marching funeral; and as a result, Palestinians attack some Israeli citizens with a bulldozer, or fire a home with a homemade rocket. By this way Israel is able to magnify the rocket launching incident as an offensive act towards the calm and peace loving Israeli people, then Israel retaliates by stopping any ongoing talks and starts bombing raids on refugee camps and schools all over again.

By this way, Israel will keep on the offensive acts as a defensive precaution and will also gain the world’s sympathy and support. Israel uses its cunning and huge media machine to justify its deeds and to accuse the Palestinians of terrorism.

Not only killing and detaining thousands of Palestinians including women and children; but the atrocities goes as far as running down an American activist Rachel Corrie .Who had died waving off for a bulldozer driver to stop razing down homes in Palestinian village near Rafah. The Driver just ran her down over two times as some witnesses say and assure that he saw her clearly and she was easily visible.

By Abdelghany ElSharkawy

References: middle_east/stolen_land/israel_mass_war_crimes.html

Views: 919


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      Comments :

    The opinions expressed in the comments reflected the views of its' owners and not the opinion of the site

  • Reem       Great Subjest

    Great topic, we wait for more.
  • Abdul WahidOsman Belal       Advocate High Court/Legal Counsel

    When it is a mole hill against Muslims, it is blown out of proportion and turns into a mountain and what is a mountain against Hindus, Jews, Christians, etc. it is reduced in size to appear a mole hill or a scratch.
  • Rashid       Death of innocent citizens

    Salaam, There may not be justice in this world for those who died unjustly. But the Creator is not sleeping. We are living in this borrowed time and those monsters will have their accountability on Allah's promised day. How terrible their punishment would be, if only they knew!
  • leila       some thoughts

    Dear Abdelghanny, first of all let me say that overall i agree with most of the point of your article. however these days i see a great need in being very precise about what we say, because as you have noted in your article, the media is full of propaganda producing wrong pictures. in order to be heard we must stick to the fact very precisely to remain legit with our claims and requests. the facts are bad enough and need no exaggeration, so i would be careful about saying things like :"never mentioning blowing up an Israeli mall and killing fellow Israeli citizens as an internal operation" there is no proof for that and makes us palestinians look like we make up things. thank you and salaam. leila

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