Basic words and phrases
Egyptian Common Expressions
Common religious phrases
Basic words and phrases
| | |
I am | | Ana |
How are you? |  | Ezzaiyak? |
What is your name? | | Ismak eih? |
My name is | 
| Ismi |
Thank you | 
| Shukran |
Hello | 
| Ahlan |
Goodbye |  | Salam
Yes |  | Aiwa |
No |  | La |
Sorry |  | Asif |
Today | | Ennaharda |
Yesterday | | Embareh |
Tomorrow | | Bukrha |
Good morning | 
| SabahAl kheir |
Welcome | | Ahlan |
 | | |
Do you speak English? Betekalem ingleezy?
I don’t speak Arabic. Mabatkalemshy Araby.
I speak a little Arabic? Batkalem Araby kolaiyel.
I don’t know. La Aa’ref.
I don’t understand. Mesh Fahem.
Slowly Shwei Shwei (can also mean a little)
Again! Mara tanya.
I Speak English Ana batkallem englizi
I Don't Speak Arabic Ma-batkallamsh `arabi
I Don't Understand Ana mish fahem
Do You Speak English? Enta betetkalem inglizi?

| | |
What? | | Eh? |
Where? | | Fain? |
Who? | | Meen? |
Why? | | Laih? |
How? | | Ez-zaay? |
How much? | | Kaam? |
 | | |
What Time Is It? | 
| el-saa kam? |
How much? | | Kam? |
Food |  | Akl |
Drink (verb) |  | Yashrab |
Drink (noun) | | Sharab |
Water |  | Maa’ |
I want | | Oreed |
A little | | Kaleel |
A lot | 
| Katheer |
Big | 
| Kabeer |
Small | 
| Sagheer |
Dinner |  | Aasha |
Hungry | 
| Ga’an |
Sugar | | Sokar |
Tea | | Shay |
Coffee | | 'ahwah |
Where is...? | | Feen? |
Left | | Shimal |
Right | | Yimeen |
Straight on | | Odam |
Take me to...please | | Khudnee ela...min Fadlak
 | | |
One | | wahed |
Two | | ethnan |
Three | | thalathah |
Four | | arba’ah |
Five | | khamsah |
Six | | sitah |
Seven | | saba’h |
Eight | | thamaneiah |
Nine | | tesa’h |
Ten | | ashara |
 | | |
Perhaps | | Yemken |
Possibly | | Mumken |
Impossible | | Mesh Mumken |
Like this | | Kedah |
 | | |
Common religious phrases
You will hear these phrases a lot in the Arab world because religion has a strong influence.
Alhumdullelah: – Probably closest to Thanks be to God, although used a lot more frequently than in the West. It is often mis-translated as Thank God or Thank goodness.
Assa-lum-alaikum – standard greeting, meaning “peace be with you brother”, to which you should reply Wa-alaikum-salam.
Inshau’ Allahh – God willing.
Bismillaah (short for Bismilaah Al Rahman Al Rahim) – Bismillaah means in the name of God and Al Rahman And Al Rahim are the two names of God. This is normally expressed before beginning something, whether food, a journey or an exam.
Mashaoulaah ! – This literally means what God wants. It may be said to you when you report something good has happened to you, and is meant to avoid envy.

By Hala Gamal