
When raindrops join teardrops
On your cheeks
And run together to reach your heart
To open the gates for a beautiful prayer
With a sincere belief that Allah will respond
This is Hope
When you do, something and you feel very ashamed
That Allah is watching
Yet instead of killing yourself by the rope of guilt
You just put your forehead on the ground
And ask for forgiveness
With a true belief that your creator's mercy
Is greater than your fault
This is Hope
When you wake up in the morning
And you find that every single creature on earth
Is alive
And your heart is dying from sadness and frustration
And your body is very weak
Yet you keep writing plans and promises to Allah
That you will keep purifying your soul
To fit for his beautiful heaven
With a true vision of the peace & beauty
That you will have one day underneath the thrown
In the higher paradise
This is Hope
For those
Who are always waiting
For the joy that will follow pain
And for those
Who are sure of the gifts
That will come after hard tests
And for those
Who are planting seeds of love
In spite of all the hatred around them
And for those
Who keep reading Quran Everyday
To come out of the darkness of ignorance
To the light of knowledge
And for those
Who believed and still believe
That even when lost in the desert of life
Will save them somehow sometime
And show them the road back to Eden
For all of you
Please keep feeding the flower of Hope
This is the only Hope
By Soumaya Mahmoud
4th rabee awal 1431