
Values are
Precious stones in the crown of the mind
In the heart of the crown
The Ruby talks of
A mind vivid by knowledge
Rich by dreams & hope
Sheltering the heart & soul by
Nobel decisions
All over the crown
The Emeralds talk of
A tranquil mind full of love & peace
Inspiring calm & clear assurance
Protecting the heart & soul by
Harmony & patience
On the top of the crown
Pearls talk of
A Pure mind full of innocence
Faith, charity & honesty
Guiding the heart & soul into
Spiritual growth
Around the heart of the crown
Amber & Diamonds & Sapphire
The Amber talks of
A mind that can remove self-obstacles
Diagnose mental games
And enlightens the heart & soul by
The Diamonds talk of
A sharp mind that knows rights
Plans straight path
And secures the heart & soul
By murdering confusions
The Sapphire talks of
A mind stable with clear belief
Sure of the importance of his mission
Aware of the divine destiny in life
Fulfilling the heart & soul
By the beauty of
Sincerity, truth & faithfulness
The body of the crown is Silver
Mirror the soul
Energizes the precious stones
Moves the anger of the oceans
From the shores of the self
Into the integrity & stability
Of the flowing rivers of the heart & soul
For those who wish to live in balance
Open your eyes to the beauty of the mission
On the way back to Eden
Suffering will be there while trying to find
The road
The body & stones of your crown
Are your found & lost treasures
They are there in the mines of your mind
Your soul & heart are longing for their existence
Yet the search is exhaustive
More exhaustive actually
Is how to keep a precious stone?
For those who believe that they were created
To be leaders not followers
Be sure you can keep your stones
You can guide humanity to its best
You can take others hands to the way of
Healing, hope & happiness
For those who believe in Allah
Be sure of your selves
As long as you follow the light
Allah will guide you
Allah will help you
All through your journey
To find and keep your values
To be able one day to wear the crown
On earth
In the garden of Allah
By Soumaya Mahmoud