The Absolute Philosopher of Islam (Ibn Rushd)





Once upon a time there was a great philosopher whose rationalistic philosophy was more influential in the West than it was in the Muslim world. He made remarkable contributions in philosophy, logic, medicine, music and jurisprudence and wrote many books on the subjects. In philosophy, his most important work ‘Tuhafut al-Tuhafut’ (The incoherence of the philosophers) was written in response to al-Ghazali’s work, which had a profound influence on European thought, at least until the beginning of modern philosophy and experimental science. His views on fate were that man is neither in full control of his destiny nor it is fully predetermined for him. This great philosopher was named "Ibn Rushd".


Abu'l Waleed Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Rushd, known as Averroes in the West, was born in 1128 A.D. in Cordova, where his father and grandfather had both been judges. His grandfather was well versed in philology (Fiqh Maliki School) and was also the Imam of the Jamia Mosque of Cordova. The young Ibn Rushd received his education in Cordova and lived a quiet life, devoting most of his time to learned-pursuits. Then he served the humanity with this knowledge and really changed our life now.



Ibn Rushd was more a philosopher than a physician or astronomer. His writings and commentary, in 1169, on Aristotle became prescribed studies in the University of Paris and other European institutions. Though using in most cases a Latin translation of a Hebrew rendition of an Arabic commentary, the scholars of medieval Europe were greatly influenced by his writings, and Ibn Rushd influenced such Jewish and Christian philosophers as Maimonides, Thomas Aquinas and Albert the Great.


His work and studies extended to cover Law and jurisprudence, music, physics, politics and psychology. Averroes was the first to define and measure force as "the rate at which work is done in changing the kinetic condition of a material body and the first to correctly argue that the effect and measure of force is change in the kinetic condition of a materially resistant mass. Listing all his achievements in all areas he wrote on would probably take days of your time to read so these points were enough just know this great person.


By Ahmed Halim

Views: 849


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