Muhannad Jibril Abu Dayah

(The Story of a Saudi Inventor)

همة و طموح الكفيف المخترع مهند أبو دية-مؤثر


The 24 years old Muhannad Gibriel Abou Diyah was born in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and is currently a resident of the Jizan region of southwest Saudi Arabia.  At the age of 7, he participated in a government sponsored innovation competition and won the first place prize, although his competitors were older students in high schools and universities.

He excelled in physics and achieved the first place in physics competition at the kingdom level.  He earned top awards in first Kingdom team of physics students competing against world champions in Physics Olympics in Korea in 2004.

Following are some of Muhannad’s accomplishments as quoted from Jizan Online:

Muhannad participated in the first Saudi Scientific team for the industry of nuclear accelerators at King Abdul Aziz City for Sciences and Technology, and established a company for scientific media production along with a company for specialized electronics.

He also established the largest network of Internet sites for the physical sciences in Arabic, and wrote three important books in the field of science. Not only that but he participated in the establishment of the Saudi inventors Assembly.

He provided a course in the field of inventions with great success in the Kingdom which was displayed in one of the television channels.

Muhannad established the Saudi Branch of the International Association for Students of Physics.

Muhannad is a student at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals - Department of Aerospace Engineering.

A Saudi inventor in the field of robotics and physical technologies. He has 22 inventions up to now.

Director of "Physics Media" company for scientific information and media.

Director of Almuhannad Technology Group.

An adviser in a number of companies.

Supervisor-General for the "International physics." Network.

He established the Saudi Branch of the International Association for Students of Physics.

Supervisor of the Saudi Branch of the International Association for Students of Physics.

Participant in many scientific societies.

Holds first place in the competition of physics kingdom wide.

Holds second place in the competition of chemistry kingdom wide.

Holds third place in the competition of physics at the level of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries.

Holds leading positions in the practical test in Physics Olympiad in Korea.

He has written three important books in the field of science.

He participated in the establishment of the first Assembly of Saudi inventors.

He Provides courses on innovations.


Following are some samples of Muhannad’s inventions:

(1)  Magnetic Tip Pen:

A pen with a little magnetic end that interacts with paper that contains some metal tissues added to it. These tissues can also be added to normal notebooks thus improving the handwriting of the pen's user by up to 60 percent.

This idea crossed his mind when he was trying to design pens for astronauts to help them write consistently, but it turned out to be for children and those with neurological diseases so they can write consistently. This pen has been experimented on children 7-10 years of age and this test proved that after 10-25 days, children were able to write on the line. The Blind have also benefitted from this pen as the inventor says that they can write with this pen without fear of inconsistency of their handwriting. This pen is also useful for people living with Parkinson's disease and injuries to the cerebellum.


 (2) Sign Language Glove Transcriber:


Gloves that convert sign language to voice. The idea of the invention can be summarized as the person wears gloves connected to a small computer placed in the pocket. He has to press the "talk" button and "choose the language" button and while he is speaking using sign language, the sensors which are placed in the gloves will recognize those signals and then send them to the computer which in turn analyzes these signals and converts them to sounds through tiny speakers installed at both ends of the gloves. The tone of voice can be selected to suit the person whether he is a child, a woman or a man.


(3) Wheeled Shoes:


A pair of wheeled sports shows electrically powered and controlled from a wrest watch and steered by body movement leaning body in the direction you want to go.  It is a kind of individual transportation shoes.

These are a new way of individual transportation that comprises a pair of sports shoes equipped with wheels. But what is particular about these sport shoes is that they are electrically operated as each shoe is connected with an electrical motor (at the base of the wheel). They can be controlled through the hand watch and directions can be controlled through the user's body leaning to the intended direction. "

(4) Arabism Falcon Submarine:


It is the most famous of his inventions which had received royal support from the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, quoting (

Muhammad Jebreel Abu Daya was able to invent a Saudi submarine with  a world-class standards and specifications. He called it the "Falcon of Arabism ", and it is the first to break the world diving barrier for depth over 6525 meters under the water and proved to be superior to the Japanese similar submarine "Shinkai" that can not dive at a depth of more than 6500 Meters.



قراءة صوتية للكلمات


القاموس - عرض القاموس المفصل


He added that the new submarine will be able to explore the natural ingredients below the depth of more than 6500 meters, including volcanic cracks, canyons and caves that might contain oil wells or contents of minerals, where undiscovered marine life is likely to exist at these depths as well as to enable the rescue teams to lift the sunken submarine at the bottom of the ocean.

Abu Daya added that he was able to complete the project after precise follow up to the world of submarines over the past years. He was surprised that all submarines were unable to exceed the depth barrier of 7 km, where the existing submarines encounter different problems once they get to high pressure under the depths of between 3 to 6 km.  A submarine being of cylindrical shape makes it susceptible to the influence of pressure on its body (hull), because the pressure is distributed unevenly on the directions. The pressure from the top and bottom is stronger than the pressure on the left and right, which may lead the submarine to be broken under water.


قراءة صوتية للكلمات


القاموس - عرض القاموس المفصل


Abu Daya stated that paper designs of the project took him about 3 months, while the final design took him 9 months. He added that he was able to accomplish the final tests of the project at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals and the College of Marine Science, Jeddah, an

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