Is The Western Woman Really Liberated?

The woman in the west may seem to be liberated, but actually she is being deceived by pseudo-liberation. Consider some of the shackles in which the women in west are chained up.


The urge to look good

The woman in the west is bonded by mental slavery. She has to please her masters through dieting, applying cosmetics right from early teenage and even when she has passed her fifties. The diet industry worth's 33 billion dollars a year, amazing, isn't it? Girls right from 10 years to 60 plus stay hungry and starve in the name of dieting and that is an industry now! The weight watchers' website has billions of members through its 2000 plus centers making women starve. No wonder today western women can be labeled as the anorexic generation. What make them do that?  The western women are programmed to believe that her figure is her currency that will help her earn fame and wealth.

A large number of the working women in US are those who are without husbands and are left out by their husbands or boyfriends. Those poor women are left alone with their babies or growing up children to be fed...The males then go away looking for younger and beautiful girls in the green pastures.


Subjugation through Education

This may seem unbelievable but it is a fact. The western women believe that education has gifted them liberation. Are degrees and jobs really qualified to be mascots of liberation? Take a notice of the plight of girls working and also those in campus. The BBC pays 6,500 dollars less than males to the female news readers; a female advocate earns less than her male counterpart. The only career in which a woman can earn more than a male is prostitution and modeling. Maria Saharapova earns more in modeling than male players. The world cup soccer is beautified by cheer leaders, and girlfriends of stars. You cannot sell even a pen if you don’t allure your customers through a beautiful model.


 Crimes against women are on all time high

 According to FBI 2713 rapes take place in the US every day! And these rapes happen to women from all walks of life. In offices, in campus, during parties, dates etc. And how many rapist are punished? The statistics says  only 5 percent. If raping of women is not subjugation then I don't know what else is worse than this subjugation. Add up the statistics of domestic crimes, rapes, teenage pregnancies, dumped by boyfriends and husbands and you will get a mountainous size of pain and suffering of the western women. She is the woman who is a big looser in most cases.

Liberation is there but it is actually men who enjoy the fruits of women's liberation. He is liberated to see her body in various seductive forms, he is liberated to enjoy her body and then dump her without caring about her pregnancy and the child that she would bear. In the newspaper and glossy magazines she reads about saucy articles and  her mind is programmed to think that look is the best and the most important qualification for a girl to succeed. From Cinderella to Bat woman every fantasy heroine is alluring her to posses a look like them. From Sharapova to Hollywood heroines everyone encourages her to cash her beauty. She is made to believe that her look is assets.

How many women are involved in prostitution? Do you say that they are doing that because they enjoy it? No, actually many have to run their homes.

The British newspapers report that England to have wet nurses in all schools even in primary. The duty of those nurses would be to help girls get rid of unwanted pregnancy without the knowledge of their parents. Is this liberation? The woman in the west is always under the stress about her future. She is not sure when her husband or boyfriend would go for a better girl. Divorce in the West all time gets high. She doesn’t not have to work hard only but also she has to return home and look after the kitchen, children's studies etc. While a man may return home or he can go to club for refreshments or take a new girlfriend.  Western women are programmed to think that divorcing a husband is a good option to drive away many from their matrimonial problems. Many of those women do not even have patience to wait for a compromise at least for the sake of their children.

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