The Birth and Youth 0f Muhammad

(Saaw , Peace Be Upon Him)

During the birth


The prophet Muhammad (saaw) was born in bani Hashim in Makkah in 571A.D

‘Abdul-Muttalib chose Amina, daughter of Wahab bin ‘Abd Munaf bin Zahra bin Kilab, as a wife for his son, ‘Abdullah. They were married in Makkah, and soon after ‘Abdullah went on a trade journey and died in Medina on his way back.

 ‘Amena’ the mother of the prophet Muhammad said that there was a light that issued of her private part and lit the palaces pf Syria. When he was born fourteen galleries of kisra’s palace cracked and rolled down, and the Magians’s sacred fire put out and some churches sank down and ruined.


When Muhammad (saaw) was born ‘Amena’ called his grand-father ‘Abdul-Mutalib’ to cheer him up with the new news. ‘Abdul-Mutalib’ took the baby happily and went to Alka’ba where he prayed and thanked Allah (swt). On the seventh day ‘Abdul-Mutalib’ circumcised him. Abdul-Mutalib was visiting Muhammad every day in Amena’s house because he loved him so much.

The Arabs used to send their babies to wet nurses in the desert, so that they breast-feed them and raise them to master the Arabic language and render them brave.


When ‘Haleema As’dia’ and his husband ‘Al Harith bin Abdul ‘Uzza’ reached Makkah with some of women from the clan of ‘Bani Sa’d’, she found those women did not accept to take ‘Muhammad’ because her mother was poor. Then Haleema asked her husband to take him because she did not find another one. When they left Makkah ‘Haleema’ breast-fed ‘Muhammad’ and his brother until they were satisfied, there was enough milk for them both. Since ‘Haleema’ and her husband had taken ‘Muhammad’, they basked in enormous provision during the two years.


Afterwards they go back to Makkah and asked her mother to keep him for another year lest they lose the provision. After her consent ‘Haleema’ took the child for another term. During this second period and when ‘Muhammad’ was in the back yard with the sheep, two men wearing white clothes came and open the chest of ‘Muhammad’, they removed the evil which is in any human, and they returned it, at that time ‘Haleema’ and her husband thought that he was touched by the Jinn.


(When, as related by Anas in Sahih Muslim, Gabriel came down and ripped his chest open and took out the heart. He then extracted a blood-clot out of it and said: “That was the part of Satan in thee.” And then he washed it with the water of Zamzam in a gold basin. After that the heart was joined together and restored to its place. The boys and playmates came running to Haleema and said: “Verily, Muhammad (Peace be upon him) has been murdered.” They all rushed towards him and found him all right only his face was white.)


They took him back to his mother ‘Amena’ who confirmed to him that he was a child not like the others, and his birth was special, she continued relating to them how she did not feel she was pregnant of him because he was light in her belly.


The Prophet ‘Muhammad’ returned to her mother and stayed with her till he was six years old. When her mother died, his grandfather raised him among his sons. When Muhammad (Saaw) was eight years old his grandfather ‘Abdul-Muttalib passed away in Makkah. The charge of the Prophet was passed on to his uncle Abu Talib. During the whole forty years of the Prophet’s age ‘Abu-Talib’ guaranteed total protection to ‘Muhammad’ (saaw) from any trial to hurt him.


During the youth


1-    Muhammad’s Job


Muhammad (saaw) was a shepherd in ‘bani sa’d’, but when he was twenty five years old he started working with ‘Khadija’ daughter of ‘khowailid’. ‘Khadija’ was a famous business woman well known among her tribe. She was divorced, and she was hiring men to care about her business with a share in profit. When ‘Khadija’ heard about Muhammad and his honesty she called him and asked him if he could work with her. After the prophet accepted to work with her, she sent him to Syria with her hireling ‘Maisara’.


When he came back she knew how he was so honest and truthful. Thus, she decided to marry him, for this reason she sent her friend ‘Nafisa’ to Muhammad to tell him about the news. When the Prophet heard the news he accepted and he sent his uncle to ask her hand from her uncle. Afterwards they were married.


Muhammad (saaw) had all his children from her save ‘Ibrahim’: ‘Al-Qasim’, ‘Zainab’, ‘Ruqaiyah’, ‘Um-Kulthum’, ‘Fatima- Azzahrae’, and ‘Abdu- Allah’. The sons died in their childhood.


2-    Rebuilding ‘Al-ka’ba’


When the prophet was thirty five years old, Quraish started to rebuild Al- Ka’ba because of the great flood that ruined it, as well as the factors of nature which destroyed it because it was too old. Quraish started building Al-Ka’ba wihtout any problems, any tribe had its own corner to build, but when the time of putting the sacred black tone in its place came, they differed and the fight waged between them during five days. Thus, the oldest chief ‘Abu Omaiya Bin Mugheerah Al-makhzumi’ made an agreement which is the first one who enters the sanctuary place will decide about the stone.


The Prophet Muhammad (saaw) was the first one to enter by the will of Allah (swt). They were very happy because they knew that he is trustworthy. After explaining to him the issue the Prophet asked for a cloth and laid it on the ground, and he asked them to put the stone on it, then every representative of the tribes should carry it from one corner until they reached Al-Ka’ba. Afterwards Muhammad (saaw) took the black stone and laid it on its place.


‘Muhammad’ (saaw) in his childhood and youth was trustworthy, honest, and hospitable. He was full of modesty and good manners. He helped the needy and stood next to the week. He borne all aspects of hardship, he was very patient.



By: Youssef KHANNOU



‘’The sealed nectar‘’, Saifur Rahman al-Mubarakpuri, Dar-us-Salam 1994

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