Naguib Mahfouz

The Writer Naguib Mahfouz
Name:Naguib Mahfouz
Born : Egypt , 1911
Education:He attended King Fu'ad 1 university graduating with a degree in philosophy in ,1934
Naguib Mahfouz , father figure of Arabic literature , began writing when he was seventeen. His first novel was published in 1939 and ten more were written before the Egyptian Revolution of July 1952, when he stopped writing for several years. One novel was republished in 1953, however, and the appearance of the Cairo Triology, Bayn al Qasrayn, Qasr al Shawq, Sukkariya (Between-the-Palaces, Palace of Longing, Sugarhouse) in 1957 made him famous throughout the Arab world as a depicter of traditional urban life.
A longtime civil servant, Mahfouz served in the
Ministry of Mortmain Endowments, then as Director of Censorship in the Bureau of Art, Director of the Foundation for the Support of the Cinema, and finally as a consultant to the Ministry of Culture.