Ibrahim Elfiky

"Live every moment as if it were your last,
Live with love of God,
Live with the attitude of the Prophets,
Live with Faith,
Live with love,
And appreciate life"
This is a slogan of…………. Who is this person? Did you know or see him before?
May be if you are concerned with Human Development.
He is an Egyptian man live and study in Egypt in the faculty of tourism and hotels.
After his graduation he immigrated to Canada with his wife,
When he arrived to Canada they have only 1000 $ and now he is an international character after many decades.
He is the most famous human development trainer in the North America
This is only Highlights on his character.
Ibrahim obtained:
˚ Bachelor of Tourism and Hotels
˚ 23 diplomas in many fields.
˚ Three highest designations in psychology, marketing & sales management and human development.
˚ Doctorate in Metaphysics from Metaphysics University of Los Angeles.
˚ He had specialist with honors from the American Hotel and Motel Association (AHMA) in: Human Behavior, Marketing & Sales Management, He is the founder and president of Ibrahim Elfiky international enterprises Inc.
This consists of:
1. The Canadian Training Center of Human Development (CTCHD).
2. The Canadian Training Center of NLP (CTCNLP).
3. The Canadian Training Center of Power Human Energy™
4. The Canadian Training Center of Hypnotherapy (CTCH)
Former General Manager of five stars hotels in Montreal/Canada.
Master Speaker in Human Development
Certified trainer of
· Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) from The American Board of NLP.
· Time Line Therapy™ from (T.L.Th.) association.
· Certified Clinical Master Hypnotist from The National Board of Professional and Ethical Standards Hypnosis.
Education & Certification
· Certified trainer of Time Line Therapy™ from (T.L.Th.) association.
· Certified Memory Master from The American Memory Institute (AMI).
· Certified Human Development corporate trainer by the government of Quebec/Canada.
· Certified Reiki Trainer from The Reiki Training Center of Canada.

He wrote many books and made audio and video tapes which sold worldwide and translated into three languages: Arabic, English and French.
From his books
˚ Ten keys to ultimate success
˚ The Power of thinking
12 keys highly successful managers
˚ NLP and unlimited communication power
˚ Self mastery
˚ On the road to sales mastery
˚ Te pathway to mastery
Video tapes
˚ Power of love and forgiveness
˚ Power of self-confidence
Audio tapes
˚ Le pouvoir mental illimite
˚ Les 10 cles e la reussite
He has a library contains more than 7000 sources of knowledge in different fields consist of books, references, audio& videotapes
From His TV programs
The road to success
· Former Egyptian Table Tennis Champion and has a four dan black belt in Kung-Fu “Kuksol”.
· Founder of Neuro Conditioning Dynamics™ (DCN).
· Founder of Power Human Energy™ ( PHE).
· Founder and president of Cheops International Seminars (CIS).
· Trained over 600,000 people in his seminars around the world, in Arab, foreign countries as EGYPT, SAUDI ARABIA, YEMEN……U.S.A. and CANADA,
Dr. Elfiky lives in Montreal, Canada with his wife, Amal, and their twin daughters, Nancy and Nermine and grandsons Malek and Zeyad.
By Rania ElSaadawy